Thursday, 12 December 2013

2013 Oil , Gas and Minerals Course B successfully handled

The Revenue Watch Institute RWI, in collaboration with the African Center for Media excellence ACME, has successfully  completed  course B on Oil, Gas and Minerals for Uganda and Tanzania  journalists. The ten day course commenced on the 3rd of December 2013 with the journalists undertaking the theoretical  trainings from within their respective countries but joined for filed work in Uganda Albertine oil  rich region for three days.
Nankwanga Eunice Kasirye interviewing rig engineers at one of Tullow Oil Wells
 Under the stewardship of the African Center for Media Excellence in Kampala, the Uganda journalists were aggressively trained on key  topics that determine the sector discipline.
Topical papers were presented by different experts during interactive sessions were the journalist had all the time to seek clarifications on any ambiguities  that arise from speculations with  in the sector activities.
Content Papers were presented and discussions made  on Local content, the Ugandan refinery and pipeline, Revenue management,environmental  and social sensitivity, taxation, facts and figures, compesation and land acquisition  among several other relevant areas.
 Bernard Tabaire  the Director of Programes  at the ACME led the Uganda team and guided the field work tour,
Journalists from Uganda and Tanzania at the Total Camp in Nwoya
A number of issues emerged during the field trip in Nwoya and Hoima  districts were physical sector activities take place. Such ideas combined with presentation tips triggered anxiety among the trainees to follow up different News pieces with the support of the News grant from ACME.
Oil rig at Tullow Well in Nwoya
Course A was held in Tanzania  mid this year and it combined  three groups of journalist trainees from Uganda , Tanzania and Ghana.
 The trained journalist will be followed up through a mentor-ship program with different trainers.