Tuesday, 19 June 2018


I love my dream world-i am so passionate about it...i think about it ..work through it...live it ...and fantasise it.... i pray through it_my dream world shapes my personality...I love it-it sets my standards in all aspects of my life
My Late Mother Keku, my biggest inspiration, used to say a person who doesn't appreciate greatness and extraodinary is a no dreamer...the bigger your dreams the bigger your devine portion in life...settling for the obvious is accepting to be secondary in life and conclusively choosing to be an option not a priority in life
Those are heavy statements Mum engraved into my heart, I fear being an option, being secondary and dreaming small for I will be a disappointment to Mum.
I am a dreamer, I don't care who doesnt believe, understand or cheerish my dreams..they are my dreams- my portion in life..personal

Colin Powel says:- A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination & hardwork
For a dream to become reality you must have a single minded focus
The road to achieving our dreams can be scary. In fact, Fear can hold you back from so much that you don’t even take a step toward your dream.
The dream ends up being talked about and imagined, but never chased.
Not feeling worthy of a dream, is settling for less & shrinking back to comfort even when you hate it
There must be some sort of craziness in your dream, If your dream feels unrealistic then& you are right on track to greatness. It requires challenging the obvious fears
Never mind about what others will think...it is your dream, it is personal, not a public good...The fear of what others will think is a dream killer
Stay true to your self yet always be open to learn, work hard & never give up on your dreams, even  when nobody else believes they come true but you. These are tools you need to matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path. Phillip Sweet
Accomplishing greatness some time requires some people not to get it. There are people that will hate your dream, but a few not so obvious will love and cheer you up...Focus on the lovers, ignore the haters
Put some time into nurturing your dream,
It is easy to claim that you have no time but It requires you to be focused, You have more time than you think ...
It may require a little less sleep, but it is worth
It doesnt matter who tried it & failed...it was not you, your unique touch will make a difference.
Time & focus are critical...keep walking your dream progress will set in when you least expect. You ought to be faithful and focusing your energies.... as time goes by the dream will transform into reality
The bigger your dream.. the more generous the world becomes to you
Nankwanga Eunice Kasirye InspirationWorld

Sunday, 28 January 2018


By Nankwanga Eunice Kasirye
The pangs of a poor city child are never ending; the child doesn’t know the true meaning of being a child. The poor city child in Kampala knows no right to play, no right to learn from mistakes, no right to be forced into mid-afternoon sleep- the child literally crosses from being a baby into maturity.
 The Kampala poor child earns the food, the clothes, health care, school fees and everything that would look obvious. This is the child who dares all types of weather and all insecurity to earn his child hood. The poor child in Kampala knows no child mythical scare every child seems to go through during the innocent years- myths like:-Don’t cry or make noise at night the Night dancers will eat you…because making unnecessary noise at night is luxury to a poor city child
Nakate (not her real name) is a poor city child, the first time I met her, was one of those wet cold evenings with heavy traffic jam in Kampala city. She was hawking sweet banana at the sidelines of the heavy traffic jam. I saw her from a distance, a girl of around 8 years of age; she was shivering from the cold wet evening, with a slightly heavy basket of sweet banana on her head, one hand supporting the basket on her head, the other curving around what looked like a waist wallet tied close to her chest. she slowly came closer, trying to peep into each car she gets closer to and then in a faint shaky small voice would ask whether one would at least buy from her…it was almost 8pm, her wet cold face could easily be seen with city lights…she was wearing a school-like sweater…not thick enough to make her warm from the wet evening, her legs seemed shaky as well, since they were bare, the dress she wore was above the knees, her feet were only protected  with slim old slippers…what a sight! .. I made a sigh…She was getting closer...but before she could talk to me …the traffic lights gave way and we had to move… then she fidgeted to get off the road and narrowly missed a run-over by a speeding motorbike… her sight never left me…throughout the night till the next day when I drove to the same route with hope to speak to her
The following evening was cold but not wet, at almost the same spot, I see the same young girl, Nakate, this time sitting on the lawn between the road lanes, it was almost a half past 8pm, made a short prayer for the traffic to get slower as I get closer, indeed it slowed, and I signaled her to come over..With excitement she grabs her banana basket to rush for a sale…she must have imagined, since her basket still looked full…before she could get close enough, the traffic was released…she frowned her little face with sad eyes glued on me as I slowly started to move...I signaled her again to follow the traffic to the next parking space. From my side mirror, I could see her trying with hardship to cross the busy road with her basket resting on the knees supported with her two hands as she struggles not lose the sight of me…. The traffic seemed to fail her with a  heavy basket on her knees- I see her resigning to the middle lawn…then she tried stretching her sight to make sure she could still see me… then someone helped her lift the basket to her head as she starts walking towards my direction……
 I got packing as I waited for her.
To Be Continued….

Sunday, 14 January 2018


By Nankwanga Eunice Kasirye
Self-Esteem is self-respect, confidence in one's own worth, it is the overall sense of self-worth, it is about how much you appreciate and like yourself.
It is often a result of personal appraisal of own-self, in terms beliefs, abilities, emotions, behaviors and so many other such attributes.
Self-Esteem can be low or high depending on personal own appraisal.
It is a key determinant on how one looks at life, appreciates success and failures, handles challenges and relationships- it is the underlying factor of ones personality
Low Self-Esteem,often presents with Low Self confidence even in areas where you have high expertise and abilities, it is about criticizing your inner person negatively,creating the "I can't manage " Personality
Always thinking the other person is better and deserves better than yourself
Low self-Esteem makes you try so hard to please others when they never try at all to please you in return
Low self-Esteem makes you a bandwagon person for fear of standing alone even for the truth
Low self Esteem blames someone else for own mistakes, never own up situations, there is always some one to blame in every situation
"Low Self-Esteem is like driving through life with your hand break on ...," Maxwell Maltz
High self-Esteem is often associated with self confidence, it is a result of one's assurance about the self-worth, it comes with the determination to make your inner person a success regardless of who says yes or no-High Self-Esteem only uses external appraisals as springboards to feed the internal crave for better.
High Self-Esteem demands for value for every thing around you, becomes more of a selective trait where decisions and actions are based on well thought assessments.High-Self Esteem calls for being realistic and fair about your self and the environment, it doesn't entertain bandwagon unless it is worth it...
"Too many People overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are...."
Malcolm S.Forbes
High Self-Esteem demands for a positive attitude towards life and situations, it requires one look at life as a pool of choices and opportunities- It is so demanding but worth a pick
"Self-pity gets you no where.One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities&undertake the most interesting
game in the world making the most of one's best..." Harry Emerson Fosdick
High Self-Esteem calls for realistic self awareness and determining to make the weak spots better and strong spots excellent.
It is important to know what you want, require and desire..there it will help in making positive judgements and decisions on your daily life choices.
High Self-Esteem is consistent and enduring since it is often tested by the negative situations and people.
It takes determination and inner force to sustain High Self -Esteem amidst negativity from situations and people, that is why all choices should be well thought
Things as simple as someone commenting about your body size negatively whether genuinely or maliciously could badly affect one's confidence hence eating up high self-Esteem.
Getting involved in reckless and irresponsible jokes is a call for negative energy to one's self- esteem
Remember High Self-Esteem people are often looked at as proud people to many but to a few who respect other people's opinion and decisions and these are always high Self-Esteem people as well. Therefore a lot of other people would want to use any opportunity they would get to pull you down.
High Self- Esteem owns up situations whether good or bad, recognizes contributions and seeks guidance where necessary
Understand your body, know your strong spots on your body, choose the right fashion and be sure you feel good about your choice of dressing.
Understand your abilities in terms of skills and be sure which areas you're good at and which areas challenge you
Open your mind to criticism but never allow it the break you,only use the negative and positive criticism to make yourself better
Dare to venture into the unknown, high self- esteem prides in taking Risks for better
Never try to be someone else, for everyone is excellent in own worth and the world is big enough to accommodate all excellencies
Learn to respect other people regardless of their social status for everyone wherever they are and what they do ..if they choose, they are masters of their own craft
Don't insist on keeping people on your priority list in your life if they Keep you on the option list
Never second guess a choice already taken but determine to make it work
Be realistic and fair about your own personal appraisal
Never compromise yourself for something you don't believe in
Skill and train yourself whenever you get a chance, your confidence grows with every new skill you acquire
Associate and surround yourself with positive people, people who look up to you and those you admire But avoid negative minds and speakers
And above all one must know that God is God, He Creates every one differently with different abilities with enough space to explore. Success and Failure is in the hands of God, He listens, always available, you don't need any one's approval but God. He Creates situations and people at the right time for the right purpose- He does everything for the good of those He loves...Your Self-Esteem will be high
"If we love God,do His will and Fear His Judgement more than Men's...we will have Self-Esteem"Ezra Taft Benson
3 Joan Comfort Agazu, Chr


By Nankwanga Eunice  Kasirye

Liars don't have a life of their own, they trade self confidence for emptiness .Everyone lie you tell, comes with emptiness, takes away self esteem, steals your freedom of expression and turns you into a fool, a victim of your own lies.
Lying is self enslavement, takes away your true personality turning you into an ambiguous low esteem person.
The truth you tell immediately becomes part of your past, every lie you tell builds up burdens into your future-it makes you a miserable person, never sure of yourself but always thinking of the next lie to keep the previous lie_what a life!
My personal standards are hinged on the belief that no one has a right to take away my freedom of self-worth by making me turn into a virtual personality to attain approval _Never!
I tell the truth for my self not for the recipient of information...
I am who I am, if you don't approve of the true me then you aren't looking for me in any form of dealings, good for both of us to keep moving until we encounter with who we exactly want to deal with-it helps live a life of not having to work hard to impress..it leaves you with a few but genuine persons to deal with
According to Carl Pickhards, Liars fool themselves, what begins as lying to others ends up as lying to themselves as they lose track of what really happened&come to believe some of the untruths they have told...
Abraham Lincoln said-No man has a good enough memory to make a successful Liar
Every lie is two lies — the lie we tell others and the lie we tell ourselves to justify it.Robert Brault.
Lies Tax Your Brain, Cause Stress, and Harm Your Body....it requires a lot of effort, yet the truth simply remembers what happens. When you lie you have to consider what you're trying to hide, figure out a believable version of the opposite, give a convincing performance to sell that lie, and then remember it always so you never caught_Adam Dachis
Lying makes you narrow minded to think that the person you keep lying to has a weak memory to keep track of your uncoordinated statements
You don't have to trade your pride with fiction -It is so tasking to struggle between the real you and the person the lies have made you to be
The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.