Sunday, 14 January 2018


By Nankwanga Eunice Kasirye
Self-Esteem is self-respect, confidence in one's own worth, it is the overall sense of self-worth, it is about how much you appreciate and like yourself.
It is often a result of personal appraisal of own-self, in terms beliefs, abilities, emotions, behaviors and so many other such attributes.
Self-Esteem can be low or high depending on personal own appraisal.
It is a key determinant on how one looks at life, appreciates success and failures, handles challenges and relationships- it is the underlying factor of ones personality
Low Self-Esteem,often presents with Low Self confidence even in areas where you have high expertise and abilities, it is about criticizing your inner person negatively,creating the "I can't manage " Personality
Always thinking the other person is better and deserves better than yourself
Low self-Esteem makes you try so hard to please others when they never try at all to please you in return
Low self-Esteem makes you a bandwagon person for fear of standing alone even for the truth
Low self Esteem blames someone else for own mistakes, never own up situations, there is always some one to blame in every situation
"Low Self-Esteem is like driving through life with your hand break on ...," Maxwell Maltz
High self-Esteem is often associated with self confidence, it is a result of one's assurance about the self-worth, it comes with the determination to make your inner person a success regardless of who says yes or no-High Self-Esteem only uses external appraisals as springboards to feed the internal crave for better.
High Self-Esteem demands for value for every thing around you, becomes more of a selective trait where decisions and actions are based on well thought assessments.High-Self Esteem calls for being realistic and fair about your self and the environment, it doesn't entertain bandwagon unless it is worth it...
"Too many People overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are...."
Malcolm S.Forbes
High Self-Esteem demands for a positive attitude towards life and situations, it requires one look at life as a pool of choices and opportunities- It is so demanding but worth a pick
"Self-pity gets you no where.One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities&undertake the most interesting
game in the world making the most of one's best..." Harry Emerson Fosdick
High Self-Esteem calls for realistic self awareness and determining to make the weak spots better and strong spots excellent.
It is important to know what you want, require and desire..there it will help in making positive judgements and decisions on your daily life choices.
High Self-Esteem is consistent and enduring since it is often tested by the negative situations and people.
It takes determination and inner force to sustain High Self -Esteem amidst negativity from situations and people, that is why all choices should be well thought
Things as simple as someone commenting about your body size negatively whether genuinely or maliciously could badly affect one's confidence hence eating up high self-Esteem.
Getting involved in reckless and irresponsible jokes is a call for negative energy to one's self- esteem
Remember High Self-Esteem people are often looked at as proud people to many but to a few who respect other people's opinion and decisions and these are always high Self-Esteem people as well. Therefore a lot of other people would want to use any opportunity they would get to pull you down.
High Self- Esteem owns up situations whether good or bad, recognizes contributions and seeks guidance where necessary
Understand your body, know your strong spots on your body, choose the right fashion and be sure you feel good about your choice of dressing.
Understand your abilities in terms of skills and be sure which areas you're good at and which areas challenge you
Open your mind to criticism but never allow it the break you,only use the negative and positive criticism to make yourself better
Dare to venture into the unknown, high self- esteem prides in taking Risks for better
Never try to be someone else, for everyone is excellent in own worth and the world is big enough to accommodate all excellencies
Learn to respect other people regardless of their social status for everyone wherever they are and what they do ..if they choose, they are masters of their own craft
Don't insist on keeping people on your priority list in your life if they Keep you on the option list
Never second guess a choice already taken but determine to make it work
Be realistic and fair about your own personal appraisal
Never compromise yourself for something you don't believe in
Skill and train yourself whenever you get a chance, your confidence grows with every new skill you acquire
Associate and surround yourself with positive people, people who look up to you and those you admire But avoid negative minds and speakers
And above all one must know that God is God, He Creates every one differently with different abilities with enough space to explore. Success and Failure is in the hands of God, He listens, always available, you don't need any one's approval but God. He Creates situations and people at the right time for the right purpose- He does everything for the good of those He loves...Your Self-Esteem will be high
"If we love God,do His will and Fear His Judgement more than Men's...we will have Self-Esteem"Ezra Taft Benson
3 Joan Comfort Agazu, Chr

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