Tuesday, 24 September 2013


By Nankwanga Eunice Kasirye
The enormous mineral discoveries in Uganda place the country at a better future in foreign exchange earnings likely to directly reflect in individual and household livelihoods. The fact that Uganda discoveries always present rare composites on the world, positions it at a better position globally. Vermiculite is one of the prestigious mineral catch Uganda boasts of, it is the cleanest in world with high quantity and quality compared to none.
Vermiculite blocks

Uganda will soon lead in the trade of one of the largest high grade mineral called vermiculite in the entire world. the country is proud of good clean deposits of vermiculite with quantities not found anywhere around world, it is an ingredient used to make inorganic fertilizers, building and roofing  material , fire extinguishers, insulators  brake materials for planes and cars among several other uses. Paul Sherwen, the commercial Director at Ortec group, a member of the Chamber of Mines and petroleum in Uganda, says the deposits will not only improve the country’s export proceeds from the mineral exports but also improve   farm productivity hence guaranteed food security.
Vermiculite occurs in various geological environments worldwide, and each deposit is different from the other. But most of these deposits contain asbestos fibre beyond the international permissible limit unlike the Uganda deposits which are rated the cleanest. It is projected that in the next five years Uganda will be able to trade at least 200,000 tones of vermiculite to the world market of the 600000 tones demand. Uganda boasts of one million tons of clean and pure vermiculite deposits which offer Uganda a better position on the mineral world market.
The Uganda Vermiculite has a number of industrial applications such as fireproof board manufacture, soundproof boards, lightweight concrete, break liners and Energy Saving Stoves, saving thousands of cubic meters of wood fuel. The flamboyant mineral is found in a small place called Namekara in Manafa district eastern of the country close to Mbale town. However the mineral is bulky which require the full refurbishment of the railway line for transportation. The mineral cannot be exported on road therefore it is important to ensure that the railway line is well connected with supportive logistics.
Uganda has made positive strides in the mineral sector with a number of new discoveries of metallic and industrial minerals. Among the metallic mineral deposits discovered is gold, copper, iron ore diamond among others. The industrial discoveries include limestone, rock salt, and vermiculite among others. The discoveries are enormous that almost everywhere in Uganda something prestigious lies underneath.
The challenge however lies in land acquisition for investors. The small scale and artisan miners are uncooperative when it comes to relegating the land to investors. Elly Karuhanga the chairman Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum says the small scale traders don’t want to give up the plots because they are too much taken up into smuggling the minerals which deprive the country a lot of monies. 
Elly Karuhanga
He wants the public to be sensitized on the modalities of managing the entire life of the mineral resources. The lack of clarity on who does what on which terms, is the reason for continual community strife.
The 2012 airborne geological surveys aided with on-site scientific assessments provided evidence about the existence of gold deposits in Arua, Hoima, Masindi and Buhweju districts as well as Karamoja, eastern and south-eastern sub-regions. This improves Uganda chances of attracting more sector investors since speculation costs would be reduced.

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